WebWindow functions; MENU LIST AT TOP OF WINDOW; < = Go back to the last page you visited. ▬▬▬ > = Load the next page if you have just clicked on <. ▬▬▬ Refresh / Stop = Refresh this page or stop loading this page if page/file is still loading. ▬▬▬ Home = Load your home page. (As set in the options window) ▬▬▬ File - Load (Ctrl+L) = Load a local Web page or file. File - Save (Ctrl+S) = Save the current loaded page or file at any location. (Saves page and page objects) File - Save edited page = Save the edited page at any location. (If you edit the page with select and paste then you can save the edited page (The top frame only)) ------- File - Copy page selection (Ctrl+C) = Copy the selected part of the web page to the clipboard. File - Paste to page (Ctrl+V) = Paste the text and/or images from the clipboard to the web page, replacing any selected data. File - Select all of page = Select the whole of the web page. File - Copy URL address (F4) = Copies the current page address (not the address in the address bar) into the clipboard. File - Paste URL address (F5) = Pastes the clipboard text into the address bar only. (Then you can edit the address and/or click on 'Goto URL' to load the page) File - Paste and load URL (F6) = Pastes the clipboard text into the address bar and loads the page now. File - Copy image - Copy web page image = Copy the visible part of the web page into your clipboard. (You can then open Paint and paste the image into it) File - Copy image - Copy browser window image = Copy the browser window image into your clipboard. File - Copy image - Copy whole desktop image = Copy the whole of the desktop image. (If you have more than one monitor attached to your PC then will copy all screens) ---- File - Copy image - Copy monitor 1 image = Copy the main monitor image only to your clipboard. File - Copy image - Copy monitor 2 image = Copy your secondary monitor 2 image. (If you have 2 or more monitors) File - Copy image - Copy monitor 3 image = Copy monitor 3 image. (If available) File - Copy image - Copy monitor 4 image = Copy monitor 4 image. (If available) File - Copy image - Copy monitor 5 image = ' ' ' ' File - Copy image - ' ' ' ' = ' ' ' ' ------- File - History è = Lists the last few pages you have visited. (Click on list to load page. You can display list as page titles or URL's as set in options) File - History - [ Save history list ] (Ctrl+Ins) = Save the history list as a CVS or text file. File - Blank page (Ctrl+B) = Loads a blank page. File - Help information (Ctrl+I) = Loads this Help.htm file into the main window. File - Search box (F12) = Displays/hides the search engine text box. (As set in the options window) File - Search page (Shift+F12) = Loads/goes to a search web page. (As set in the options window) File - Search from selection (Ctrl+F12) = Same as File - Search page, but searches for the selected text in a new window. (Disabled if no selected text) File - Email (Ctrl+E) = Loads your email application. (As set in the options window) File - Tab list è = Lists all the open tab windows, with the selected tab ticked. Click in list to select any tab and display webpage above the other tabs. File - New tab (Ctrl+T) = Opens a new tab window in this copy of WebWindow with the current page loaded or blank page if shift key pressed. File - New window (Ctrl+N) = Loads/opens a new copy of WebWindow with the current page loaded or blank page if shift key pressed. File - New window modes è = Loads/opens a new copy of WebWindow with the current page loaded or a blank page in a different IE mode. ------- File - Header/Footer setup (Ctrl+H) = Set the page header and footer strings and font, as used by the printer. File - Page setup (Shift+Insert) = Sets up the page size, header and footer text, portrait or landscape printer settings etc. File - Print (Ctrl+P) = Prints out the current Web page after setting printer options. File - Print preview (Ctrl+W) = Displays how the web page will look when printed. File - Options - Options edit = Opens the options window. (Use this window to set your home page, start page, search page, source viewer and email program, etc.) File - Options - Restricted sites = You can add or remove any pages you don't want the kids to see. (You must enter a password to edit this list) File - Options - Background options = Set the main window background image and colour. File - Options - Homepage reset = To reset your home page from a list of pages. File - Options - Reset options = This will delete all the registry settings and quit WebWindow. (Only do this if you want to reset the options and can't remember the values) ------- File - HTML5 audio = Ticked=sound on with HTML5 AUDIO and VIDEO controls. (Item can be hidden in the options window) File - Find (Ctrl+F) = Find and select any text matches found in the current web page. File - Exit tab (Ctrl+Q) = Close the tab window with the current input focus. File - Exit all (Alt+F4) = Closes all tabs windows and this copy of WebWindow. ▬▬▬ View - Source code (Ctrl+U) = Loads the page top frame source code into your text editor. Eg. Notepad. (As set in the options window) View - Frames (total) è = Lists all frames and/or iframes if any in the top page. (Click on one to load the frame source code) ---- View - Frames - Sub frames (total) è = Lists all frames and/or iframes if any in a frame or iframe. (Click on one to load frame source code) ------- View - Page scale (100%) è = Change the scale of the displayed page. (Disabled with some file types) View - Text size è = Change the font size with html and text files. (Disabled with some file types) View - Status bar = Display or don't display the status bar. View - Page information (Ctrl+G) = Displays page date, page size etc. (You can set the date format in the options window) View - Error list (total) = Lists all page errors for the current WebWindow session. (Displayed in reverse order) View - Internet status = Displays the current type of Internet connection. View - Page style = Opens window to turn on/off page colours, font face/style and font size specified by the Web page. View - Work offline (Ctrl+Z) = Toggles browser to work off-line or not. (If working off-line then ticked) ▬▬▬ Favourites = Opens your list of favourite websites. (Press Escape to close list) Click on favourite link, to open in this window. Shift+click on favourite link, to open in a new copy of WebWindow. Alt+click on favourite link, to open in a new tab window in this copy of WebWindow. Ctrl+click on favourite link, to select link only. (Used when editing a link) Menu click on favourite list, to add, delete, edit, sort, load or save list. ▬▬▬ Feeds - .... ... .. = List all page references to any news feeds. (RSS) Click on list to view feed. Use shift to load in to a new window. (Disabled if no feeds found. Removed if viewing directory, non HTML file type or turned off in the options window) ▬▬▬ Speech - Voice è = Select the voice you wish to hear when reading out a page. Speech - Talking speed è = Select the talking speed. (Very slow, slow, normal, fast or very fast) ------- Speech - Read out page (F8) = Read out loud the current page and frames. (Only works with html and text pages. Press ESCAPE to abort) Speech - Read out selection (F7) = Read out loud the selected text. (Only works with html and text pages. Press ESCAPE to abort) ▬▬▬ Help - WebWindow help (F1) = Loads this Help.htm file into a new window. Help - aboutCommands = Loads the about:Commands list into a new window. (This is the same as typing about:Commands into the address bar) Help - Upgrade version (F2) = Loads the download WebWindow web page. (Also display the version you are using on the page) Help - About WebWindow (Ctrl+A) = Displays version number and date of WebWindow. (Also displays the latest version available) Click and drag the WebWindow icon to a directory, to save a shortcut to the page or save the page if CTRL was also held down. Click and drag the WebWindow icon to any other browser window, to open a copy of the current page in that browser. MENU LIST OVER THE BROWSER DISPLAY SECTION; This menu list will change depending on the type of page or file loaded. The menu is the same as Microsofts Internet Explorer menu. The menu will usually have some of the following options for a HTML web page. This menu can be disabled by Javascript code on the page. Back = Go back to the last page you visited. Forward = Load the next page if you have clicked on < or back. Save Background As... = Save the web page background image. Set As Background = Set the desktop background image as the web page background image. Show Picture = Display/refresh the picture under the mouse pointer. Save Picture As... = Save the picture under the mouse pointer. E-mail Picture... = Email the picture under the mouse pointer to someone. Print Picture... = Prints out the picture under the mouse pointer. Go to My Pictures = Opens the pictures directory. Set as Background = Set the desktop background image as the image under the mouse pointer. Undo = Undo the last action. Eg. Undo text typing or selected text cut. Cut = Cut/delete the selected text from the input box. Copy = Copy the selection or object under the pointer to your clipboard. Copy Shortcut = Copy the link address under the mouse pointer to your clipboard. Copy Background = Copy the web page background image to your clipboard. Select All = Select all the text and images. Paste = Copy the selected area to your clipboard. Create Shortcut = Create a desktop shortcut file pointing to this web page. Add to Favourites... = Add this page to Microsoft Internet Explorer favourites menu. (Use the top Favourites - Edit favourites list menu to add it to the WebWindow favourites menu) View source = Load and view the source code for this page. (Uses Internet Explorer default text editor (Notepad) no matter which text editor is selected in the options window) Encoding è = The encodings sub-menu. File - Print = Prints out the current Web page after setting printer options. File - Print preview = Displays how the web page will look when printed. Refresh = Refresh/reload this page. Save Link to MyStuff = Save the link under the mouse pointer to the MyStuff website. Save Page to Folder... = Save the page to the MyStuff website. Save this Page to MyStuff = Save the page to the MyStuff website. Properties = Displays page date, page size etc. OPTIONS EDIT WINDOW; Program tab; Set the page address to load when you click on the home button. Set the start-up page, when the browser starts up. (If no page is selected to load) Set the page address of your search engine. (Eg. http://www.google.com or http://www.google.com/search?q=) Set the location of your text editor to display the page source in. (Eg. The location of Notepad on your hard drive) Get the source code/Save the page with source code from the html file or loaded page code. Tick convert all line feeds * will take longer to display the source code. But if not ticked, some web pages will display all lines of code on one very long line. Tick add filename to source * if you wish this extra information to be added to the source code for Internet files. Set the location of your email application. (Eg. The location of Outlook Express on your hard drive) Set the titlebar text. (Eg. If titlebar text = 'WebWindow' then ' - WebWindow' will be added to end of the page title) If open in new WebWindow selected then any page that loads in a new window will load into a new copy of WebWindow. If open in default browser then any page that loads in a new window will load into your default browser (Eg. Internet Explorer or Netscape) * The convert line feeds and add filename to source options apply to Internet .html, .htm, .shtml etc. pages only. They will alter any source code viewed and files saved. Browser tab; Set WebWindow language to English, French, German, Maltese, etc... Internet Options (Opens the Internet properties window where you can set options used on all MSIE compatible browses) Firewall settings (Opens the Internet Firewall settings window) Network connection (Opens the Internet Connection window) HTML5 options (Opens the HTML5 options window) Browser mode. (Display pages using IE 7, IE 8, IE 9 or IE 10 code) Display the page history list as page titles or page URL's. Display page script errors. Report navigation errors. Announce navigation errors with a spoken message or displayed in a message box. Display a warning if page tries to close WebWindow. Display the Web site favorites icon on the WebWindow title bar. Display the page Feeds menu. (You can still use the feeds icon if feeds menu removed) Set file type tab; Run WebWindow at boot-up = If ticked then WebWindow will load and run when you turn on your computer. Include WebWindow in the quick launch toolbar = If ticked then you can click on the WebWindow icon in the quick launch part of the toolbar to load it. Add a load option for HTML/HTM with WebWindow = If ticked then WebWindow will be listed in the file menu. Add a load option for SHTML files with WebWindow = If ticked then WebWindow will be listed in the file menu. Add a load option for MHT files with WebWindow = '' '' '' '' Add a load option for text files with WebWindow = '' '' '' '' Add a load option for GIF files with WebWindow = '' '' '' '' Add a load option for PNG files with WebWindow = '' '' '' '' Add a load option for ASP files with WebWindow = '' '' '' '' Add a load option for ASPX files with WebWin = '' '' '' '' Add a load option for XML files with WebWindow = '' '' '' '' Add a load option for EML files with WebWindow = '' '' '' '' Add a load option for PHP files with WebWindow = '' '' '' '' Add WebWindow to the file menu Send To list = If ticked then WebWindow will be listed in the 'Send To' list for all files. Edit file icons. = Selects the displayed file icon for .htm, .html, .shtml, .txt, etc. International date format ( d/mm/yyyy), or the American date format ( m-dd-yyyy) is used when displaying page informational or adding the date to the page source code. RESTRICTED SITE LIST WINDOW; Note; To edit any data in this window you must enter the correct password. Enter address in the top section to add a page or site to the list of pages or sites you don't want the kids to see. This will block the page and any sub-directory pages. So http://thepigletclub.com will block all pages in thepigletclub domain. Don't forget to add all url names. Eg. http://thepigletclub.com and http://www.thepigletclub.com Select page from list of all restricted web sites in the bottom section to remove it from the list. EDIT FAVOURITES LIST WINDOW; Enter page address in the top section to add page to favourites list. Select page from list of all favourites in the bottom section to remove it.
Operating system. | Single monitor system. | Multi monitor system. | Extra JavaScript. | Top IE mode. |
Windows 95 | Yes | Not tested | None | IE 6 |
Windows 98 | Yes | Yes | None | IE 6 |
Windows Me | Yes | Yes | None | IE 6 |
Windows 2000 | Yes | Yes | None | IE 6 |
Windows XP | Yes | Yes | None | IE 7 |
Windows Vista | Yes | Yes | Version messages only from version 3.18.0045 (Must have IE8 or later installed) | IE 8 |
Windows 7 | All versions except 0.00.0011 to 0.05.0032 Yes 3.17.0044 and 3.18.0045 will crash if version message sent and IE11 or later installed. | All versions from 0.06.0033 Yes 3.17.0044 and 3.18.0045 will crash if version message sent and IE11 or later installed. | All versions from 3.18.0045 (Not working in frames) All versions from 3.20.0047 (Also works in frames) Yes Must have IE10 or above installed. (Windows 7, service pack 1 or later) | IE 11 |
Windows 8 | Version 0.06.0033 to 3.20.0048 works but ... (See Windows 10 below) Yes | Version 0.06.0033 to 3.20.0048 works but ... (See Windows 10 below) Yes | Version 0.06.0033 to 3.20.0048 works but ... (See Windows 10 below) Yes | IE 11 |
Windows 10 | Version 0.06.0033 to 3.20.0048 work but doesn't return the correct operating system or product id values. Yes | Version 0.06.0033 to 3.20.0048 work but doesn't return the correct operating system or product id values. Yes | Version 0.06.0033 to 3.20.0048 work but doesn't return the correct operating system or product id values. Dosen't display the version message. Yes | IE 11 |
If you wish to uninstall or delete WebWindow you should first reset all the file options and WebWindow load options; To delete the new file options and WebWindow start shortcuts;
- Click on File - Options - Options edit.
- Click on the 'Set file types' tab.
- Click on 'Deselect all options' (or untick all the options by hand)
- Click on 'OK'. To delete other unused registry data;
- Click on File - Options - Reset options.
- Click on 'Yes'. It is now safe to uninstall or delete WebWindow. If you do not first remove these settings then your computer may try to load WebWindow.exe when it starts, Load WebWindow if you use the quick launch toolbar or load a file into WebWindow. You will then get an error message saying that it can't find WebWindow.exe
WebWindow versions; To check which version you are using, click on Help, About WebWindow or press Ctrl+A. Note; Only major changes and recent versions of WebWindow are displayed here. To see the full list of versions go to http://webwindow.agius.co/history/versionhistory.htm 0.00.0000 (22/05/1999 - 8:42pm) First version. This version is compatible with Windows 95 to Windows 7. (This version is not compatible with Windows 8 or 10, see version 3.21.0049 below) 0.00.0002 ( 5/08/2000 - 6:34pm) First version uploaded to the Internet. This version is compatible with Windows 95 to Windows 7. (This version is not compatible with Windows 8 or 10, see version 3.21.0049 below) 2.12.0039 ( 4/10/2011 - 6:00pm bst ~ Zoom edition) You can now add your name or any other short message to the userAgent string. See the options window under the browser tab. Note: Your userAgent message string, can only be up to 70 characters long. Double quotes " are replaced with two single quotes '' as code on some web pages do not like " in the middle of a string. You should avoid using " (character 34) and ' (character 39) and use ` (character 96) instead. The userAgent string will only be updated in new windows that open, after editing the userAgent message. When you set a new userAgent string, type about:Browser will display the new userAgent string in this and older windows, but clicking on the userAgent link will display the old userAgent string in this and older windows. Warning: The userAgent string can be read by any web page and web server. Added the command line parameter -Language Language name and -Language Language number Used to run WebWindow in a different language to the last one. All future windows will load in this language until the value is edited in the options window. -Language 1 or -Language English -Language 2 or -Language US English -Language 3 or -Language French or -Language Français -Language 4 or -Language German or -Language Deutsch -Language 5 or -Language Maltese or -Language Malti -Language 6 or -Language Italian or -Language Italiano Examples; "\WebWindow.exe" "-Language 3" = Start in French. "\WebWindow.exe" "-Language French" = Start in French. "\WebWindow.exe" "-Language Français" = Start in French. Added the command line parameter -IEMode mode Used to run in a different IE mode to the last one. (If -IEMode + mode used, then all pages will load in the mode) All future windows will load in this mode until the value is edited in the options window. The -IEMode range will vary depending on your computer. Values can be -IEMode7, -IEMode8, -IEMode+8, -IEMode9, -IEMode+9, -IEMode10, -IEMode+10, -IEMode11 etc. Examples; "\WebWindow.exe" "-IEMode7" = IE7 mode "\WebWindow.exe" "-IEMode+7" = IE7 mode. (-IEMode7 and -IEMode+7 are the same) "\WebWindow.exe" "-IEMode8" = IE8 mode "\WebWindow.exe" "-IEMode+8" = IE8 all pages mode "\WebWindow.exe" "-IEMode9" = IE9 mode "\WebWindow.exe" "-IEMode+9" = IE9 all pages mode "\WebWindow.exe" "-Language Malti" "-IEMode7" "about:Browser" = Maltese, IE7 mode and display the userAgent string "\WebWindow.exe" "-OffLine" "-IEMode8" "about:History" = IE8, offline mode and display the history list "\WebWindow.exe" "-Preferences" "-IEMode9" "http://google.com" = IE9 and loads Google.com after closing the optinns window. The order when using more than one command line parameter is; "\WebWindow.exe" "-Preferences" "-urllink" "-OffLine" "-Language name or number" "-IEMode number" "Page address" If there are no spaces in a parameter, then you may use it without quotes. \WebWindow.exe -Preferences -urllink -OffLine -Language Italiano -IEMode 7 about:Commands Some code used for testing the WebWindow option to 'Set WebWindow as the default browser' has been fixed. This affects version 0.06.0033 to 2.11.0038 with some but not all versions of Windows. This would cause links in emails applications and other applications to load WebWindow with the page 'about:HTTP protocol test' and not the correct page link in WebWindow. With the above versions you can fix this with RegEdit.exe. Every time you click on Options edit, Browser, Set WebWindow as the default browser, you will need to edit the registry string value of; HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\http\shell\open\command (Default) From; "C:\ ..path to WebWindow.exe.. \WebWindow.exe" "about:HTTP protocol test." To; "C:\ ..path to WebWindow.exe.. \WebWindow.exe" "%1" This version sets the correct registry value. about:Languages and about:LanguageList displays a list of all the current languages available and highlights the selected language. (New command) about:LanguagesAll and about:LanguageListAll displays a list of all the current languages available but dose not highlight the selected language. (New command) about:Language and about:Lang displays the selected language only, as before. (Old command)Small fix for about:Computer Applications total # and about:Computer Apps total #. Previous versions worked when opening in this window, but not in a new window if there is a # in the about command on some operating systems. Added File - Search from selection. This is the same as File - Search page, except it will start the search with any selected text. (Disabled if no text is selected) Select some text and press Ctrl+F12 to list some websites with information on the selected text. Added View - Page scale, to display web pages, image files, text files and some other file types at a different scale. This is different from the View - Text size option that only changes the size of some text and not images or other objects. You should use Page scale and not Text size, as the page layout is affected less by scaling the whole page than just the size of the text. The size of the text on this line will change with Page scale and Text size. The size of the text on this line will only change with Page scale but not with Text size.
The current language is; <FONT SIZE="2"> will be altered with View - Page scale and View - Text size. <FONT STYLE="FONT-SIZE:10pt;"> will be altered with View - Page scale only and not by View - Text size. Press Ctrl and + to zoom in to display with this window only. Press Ctrl and - to zoom out of display with this window only. Press Ctrl and R to reset the page scale display with this window. (Set with <FONT STYLE="FONT-SIZE:...pt;">) Press Shift, Ctrl and F7 to reset the font text size. (Set with <FONT SIZE="...">) View - Page scale - Custom values below 10% will be set to 10% and values over 1000% will be set to 1000% All new windows will open in the current WebWindow zoom level. If you wish to set or reset the display scale in all windows then: Press Ctrl, Alt and + to zoom in to display with all windows. Press Ctrl, Alt and - to zoom out of display with all windows. Press Ctrl, Alt and R to reset the page scale display with all windows. The new browser window is opening, no longer displays any script error messages. (The main window will display errors if there are errors and the 'display script errors' option is ticked) The new browser window is opening, now displays the page at 25% until the page has loaded. (Was displayed at 100%) This version is compatible with Windows 95 to Windows 7. (This version is compatible with Windows 8 and 10 compatible, see version 3.21.0049 below) 3.18.0045 (16/07/2013 - 9:00pm bst) File - Exit all is now also available when a tab window has the input focus. (Was only displayed when the main window had focus, with version 3.17.0044 and earlier versions) File - Exit has been renamed as File - Exit tab. If the HTML5 options button has the input focus in the Options edit window, then you can now close the options window with the escape or break key. about:Computer Company and about:Computer will now display < none > if there is no computer company name. Note: The new JavaScript value ww_companyname will return an empty string if there is no company name, or N/A if ww_JS_privacy=true. Added some new about:Computer commands: about:Computer Name to display the computer name. about:Computer OEM to display the computer OEM number. Fixed bug with about:Computer Ticker to display the word 'and' at the correct position in the string. about:List / about:Commands lists the about: commands as before, except about:StartPage / about:WelcomePage are now listed as page links. If you are using a version of WebWindows that displays a version message when WebWindow starts, you can now close the window by pressing any key while the window has the input focus. In the Options... - Homepage reset window, you can now set WebWindow to check the about:home page when WebWindow loads. The home page can be reset if this is the only copy loading or other copies have already been loaded. You can also get WebWindows to beep if is resetting the home page address. If the audio or homepage value has been reset when WebWindow loads, then a message will be added to the View - Error list. View - Error list renamed as Error list (None) if there are no errors or Error list (... errors) if errors listed. View - Error list now displays the number of tab window open during the error on the same line. (Tabs where listed, but on the line below the error address) about:DisabledVersions now also displays if the end of the version number is ignored. If Ignore Reserve is true then displays Ignore Reserve and the end of the latest version is displayed in grey. If Ignore Reserve is false then displays Check full version number and the whole of the latest version is displayed in black. WebWindow now adds some JavaScript values and functions to all pages. All value and function names inserted into pages begin with ww_. The values can be read and edited in any IE mode. (HTML4 and HTML5 pages) The values are read/write, so you can edit them, but they will be reset when the page loads. You can also reset the values by calling the JavaScript function ww_ResetInbuiltValues(). Note: The extra WebWindow JavaScript values and functions will not work in frames and iFrames with this version. Remember that the new values and functions will only work with the WebWindow browser, so also check if the browser can use them. Use the following code to reset the values: <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> try { // Function created by WebWindow or JavaScript code on page has a function with the same name. ww_ResetInbuiltValues(); var canRunCode = true; } catch(err){ // Function not found. Not WebWindow or version before 3.18.0045. alert("The code on this page is designed to work with a recient version of the WebWindow browser.\nPlease upgrade."); var canRunCode = false; } if(canRunCode){ // WebWindow compatible code. ... .. . ... .. . } </SCRIPT> The web page can use them to detect if it is being displayed in WebWindow, what IE mode it is etc, without using the userAgent string. You should not try to define them before reading them as this would change the values. As other browsers will return a object error, use the following code: <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> try { // Value set by WebWindow or JavaScript code on page has set the value. var tempVariable = ww_name; } catch(err){ // Not WebWindow or version before 3.18.0045. var tempVariable = "ww_name error: "+err; } this.document.write("ww_name = "+tempVariable+"<BR>"); </SCRIPT> You can turn on/off some of the values in; File - Options - Options edit - Browser - Don't return private JavaScript values. When JavaScript privicy values are disabled, ww_JS_privacy = true. When JavaScript privicy values are disabled, some about:commands will also return the string N/A. navigator.product value is now defined. Value can be edited in the options window to WebWindow, Gecko, undefined or any other string value. (Value may become uneditable with IE 11 or above installed and fixed as Gecko etc) Note: Internet Explorer up to IE 10 return undefined Internet Explorer 11, pre release returns Gecko (unless you are in IE7 mode) Netscape returns undefined Some Netscape clones return Gecko or other string values.
The size of this image will change with Page scale,
but not with Text size.![]()
Note: You can also add your own JavaScript code to all pages. To add JavaScript code, edit the js_ExtraCode.js file or create a new JS file in the WebWindow directory. In the options window, External JS file path must point to this file.
If a tab window is closed with JavaScript code and it's the only open tab, then the main window is now also close. In previous versions the tab window was closed, but the main window remained open. If more than one tab window is open, then only that window will be closed. If you are using a commercial version of WebWindows, (3.18.5000 - 3.18.9999) you have one or more tab windows open and menu click on the background. (Outside any tab windows) The commercial version will now display the Options menu and not the About WebWindow information box. The freeware version will display the Background options window as before. This version is compatible with Windows 95 to Windows 7. (This version is compatible with Windows 8 and 10 compatible, see version 3.21.0049 below) 3.19.0046 (23/11/2013 - 7:50pm gmt) More JavaScript values and functions have been added. The maximum size of the ww_external_JS_File has now doubled from 5,000 bytes to 10,000 bytes with this version. If ww_external_JS_File is not found or too big then error will be recorded in the View, Error list log, with options to also display warning message or message in Web page. Added the following command line parameters: .../WebWindow.exe -JavaScriptPrivacySet to turn on the ww_JS_privacy option. .../WebWindow.exe -JavaScriptPrivacyUnset to turn off the ww_JS_privacy option. .../WebWindow.exe -JavaScriptExternalFileOff to deselect any external JavaScript code. ww_external_JS_Code=false. (ww_external_JS_File="") EG. "\WebWindow.exe" "-JavaScriptPrivacySet" "-JavaScriptExternalFileOff" = Start with private JavaScript and external JavaScript file disabled. Note: -JavaScriptPrivacySet has priority over -JavaScriptPrivacyUnset So .../WebWindow.exe -JavaScriptPrivacyUnset -JavaScriptPrivacySet will turn on the ww_JS_privacy option. .../WebWindow.exe -JavaScriptPrivacySet -JavaScriptPrivacyUnset will also turn on the ww_JS_privacy option. In the options window, under the browser tab; Renamed the 'External JS file path' label as 'External JS file' Fixed small bug with the Options - Browser - External JS file Browse, to open the correct WebWindow directory. Fixed small bug with JavaScript ww_ticker[10] value. Version 3.18.0045 returned the correct H, M and S values, but the Day value was for the number of days the computer has been running. Version 3.19.0046 now returns the day the computer was turned on. EG: Day=1 = 1st of January and 365 (or 366 in leap years) = 31st of December. As the new JavaScript values and functions only work if you have Internet Explorer 10 or later installed: The File - Options - Options edit - Browser - External JS file option is now disabled, if the top mode is less than IE10. ( IE 7 and before do not support the extra JavaScript functions.) ( IE 8 only displays the JavaScript messages. No values or functions are added.) ( IE 9 only displays the JavaScript messages. No values or functions are added.) ( IE 10, IE 11 and later displays JavaScript messages, returns values and adds Javascript functions.) ( To install Internet Explorer 10 or 11, you need Windows 7 service pack 1 or later.) The about:Browser command now displays the userAgent in IE7, IE8/IE10 and IE11 modes. (If you have IE 11 installed) The about:Browser command also displays the correct WOW Trident versions.- ww_external_JS_Code = true if a JS file has been selected in the options window.
- ww_external_JS_File is the file name of your JavaScript code.
- ww_external_JS_FileFound = true if the file exists.
- ww_external_JS_FileSize is the size of the JS file in bytes.
- If ww_JS_privacy = true, then the above values will return N/A, undefined or false, but your JavaScript code will still be available. To disable your JavaScript code, set External JS file path to - None - The size of the JavaScript file is limited to 5,000 bytes with this version of WebWindow. Note 1: Extra WebWindow Javascript code has priority over external JS file code: So ww_IEmode=1234 in js_ExtraCode.js would still return your current IE mode on the web page. Note 2: Due to changes with a later versions of WebWindows (From version 3.20.0047), ww_JS_privacy has been changed from a true/false value to an integer. Do not use the following old code: if(ww_JS_privacy==true) {... Can't get private values ...} if(ww_JS_privacy==false) {... Can return private values ...} Use the new code below: if(ww_version<3.20){ if(ww_JS_privacy==true) {... Can't get private values ...} if(ww_JS_privacy==false) {... Can return private values ...} } else { if(ww_JS_privacy==0) {... Can't get private values ...} if(ww_JS_privacy!=0) {... Can return some or all private values ...} if(ww_JS_privacy==1) {... Can return some private values ...} if(ww_JS_privacy==2) {... Can return all private values ...} } Note 3: The extra JavaScript functions and values added by WebWindow and ww_external_JS_File are not available in frames and IFrames with this version. The extra JavaScript functions and values only work with Windows 7 (Service pack 1) or later operating system versions.
If a version message has any HTML tags, they are removed when displaying the message in the WebWindow about window. Your OEM number is displayed in the About window again and not off the right side of the window. Your processor size is now displayed in the About window next to your operating system name. Note: If you have Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 or a later version installed, then the about: commands will no longer work in iFrames, unless you are in IE7 mode. This will also affect all previous versions of WebWindow. You can still use about: commands from the address bar and page links to about: commands. The File, Options..., Options edit window has been reorganised to make room for: Display external JS file errors. (Browser tab) (Note: External JS file errors will always be recorded in the View, Error list log.) On Web page or in message box. (Browser tab) If you are using Windows Vista or a later version of Windows, then the Options edit, Set file types, Edit file icons button is now disables, as the file icon is now assoated with the default program that runs the file. To change the default program and icon assoatated with the file, menu click on the file, then click on Properties, Change. Added javascript function ww_checkComputerPlatform(PlatformID, MajorVer, MinorVer, BuildNo) Return values are: -1 = Operating system version is older than values. 0 = Operating system version is the same as values. 1 = Operating system version is newer than values. Use -1 to skip a value. Eg. if(ww_checkComputerPlatform(2, 5, -1)==0) {...} is true with Windows 2000 and Windows XP 32/64 bit. if(ww_checkComputerPlatform(-1, 5)==0) {...} will also return the same matches. if(ww_checkComputerPlatform(-1, 5, -1, -1)==0) {...} will also return the same matches if(ww_checkComputerPlatform(2, 10, 17760)==1) {...} is true with Windods 10, version 1809 (build 17763) and later versions. if(ww_checkComputerPlatform(2, 10, 17763)>=0) {...} is true with Windods 10, version 1809 (build 17763) and later versions.
Internet Explorer and Trident versions: IE version: userAgent string: MSHTML.dll version: MSIE 4.0 MSIE 4.0; Trident; 4.0.x MSIE 5.0 MSIE 5.0; Trident; 5.0.x MSIE 5.5 MSIE 5.5; Trident; 5.5.x MSIE 6.0 MSIE 6.0; Trident; 6.0.x MSIE 7.0 MSIE 7.0; Trident/3.1; 7.0.x MSIE 8.0 MSIE 8.0; Trident/4.0; 8.0.x MSIE 9.0 MSIE 9.0; Trident/5.0; 9.0.x MSIE 10.0 MSIE 10.0; Trident/6.0; 10.0.x MSIE 11.0 Trident/7.0; rv:11.0; 11.0.x Added the Advanced options button in the options window. The new options are: Add MSIE value to userAgent when not in IE7 mode. (For users with IE 11 or later installed) Don't display WebWindow version messages in a message box or on a web page until after the set date. (Still displays in About WebWindow window) Note: Some pages will not work if you have IE 11 or later installed, not in IE7 mode and no MSIE string in the userAgent string.
Operating system: Platform ID: Major Version: Minor Version: Build Number: Notes: Windows 1.0 0 1 4 ? Windows 2.0 0 2 11 ? Windows 3.1 0 3 ? ? Windows 95 1 4 0 67109975 Windows 98 1 4 10 67766446 Windows ME 1 4 90 ? Windows NT 3.51 2 3 51 ? Windows NT 4.0 2 4 0 ? Windows 2000 2 5 0 ? Windows XP 2 5 1 2600 Service pack 3 Windows XP 64bit 2 5 2 6000 Service pack 3 Windows Vista 2 6 0 6001 Service pack 2 Windows 7 2 6 1 7601 Service pack 1 Windows 8 2 6 2 ? Windows 8.1 2 6 3 ? Also works with Windows 10 versions that where released after this version of WebWindows. (23/11/2013) Windows 10 2 10 10240 10240 Version 1507 (July 2015) Windows 10 2 10 10586 10586 Version 1511 (November 2015) Windows 10 2 10 14393 14393 Version 1607 (August 2016) Windows 10 2 10 15063 15063 Version 1703 (April 2017) Windows 10 2 10 16299 16299 Version 1709 (October 2017) Windows 10 2 10 17134 17134 Version 1803 (April 2018) Windows 10 2 10 17763 17763 Version 1809 (November 2018) Windows 10 2 10 18362 18362 Version 1903 (May 2019) Who at 50. To celebrate 50 years of Doctor Who, this version has some Doctor Who images stored as inbuilt background images. To select a different image, click on File, Options..., Background options. (To use your own image, drag a image.bmp file to the Background options window) This version is compatible with Windows 95 to Windows 7. (This version is compatible with Windows 8 and 10 compatible, see version 3.21.0049 below) 3.20.0047 (17/05/2014 - 1:00pm bst) Note: There is a bug with this version. See WebWindow version 3.20.0048 below. WebWindow extra JavaScript values functions and code from JS external files now also work in frames and iFrames. To disable code in frames and iFrames, untick Run extra JS code in frames in the options window. (File - Options... - Options edit - Browser) New Javascript value: ww_extraJS_inFrames = true if code will run in frames or iFrames. ww_extraJS_inFrames = false if code won't run in frames or iFrames. (If ww_extraJS_inFrames =false then ww_extraJS_inFrames will return an object error or undefined in frames/iFrames) Edited code to return the correct Trident engine version with ww_tridentVersion(0) (String) and ww_tridentValue (Number). WebWindow 3.19.0046 returned the wrong values with IE7 and earlier versions. IE8 and above where OK.
Internet Explorer 11 or later installed. Web page with or without MSIE in userAgent string. IE mode 8 or higher,
with IE11 or later installed.Web address: IE mode 7 No MSIE in string: MSIE in string: http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/ OK Fails OK http://www.bbc.co.uk/tv/bbcone/live OK OK OK http://www.bbc.co.uk/tv/bbctwo/live OK OK OK https://www.itv.com/itvplayer/ OK OK OK http://www.channel4.com/programmes/4od OK OK OK http://www.channel5.com/demand5 OK OK OK http://www.youtube.com/ OK OK OK https://twitter.com/... (Videos) OK OK OK http://edition.cnn.com/... (Videos) OK OK OK http://go.sky.com/vod Fails Fails Fails The Web page information window, (View, Page information) now displays if MSIE was added to the userAgent string, when in IE8 mode or above, with IE11 or later installed. Page viewed in mode: IE7 Page viewed in mode: IE8 (MSIE added to userAgent string) Page viewed in mode: IE8 (No MSIE in userAgent string) ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Page viewed in mode: IE11 (MSIE added to userAgent string) Page viewed in mode: IE11 (No MSIE in userAgent string) In the Options, Advanced options window you can now add, edit or delete a page address from a list of web sites. If the web site address is listed and ticked, then any extra Javascript code from the 'External JS file, version messages and/or extra WebWindow Javascript code will not be added. When adding or editing an address in the list, set the value to: • Don't add external JS file code or messages. • Don't add WebWindow Javascript code. (See note below) • Don't add external JS, messages or WebWindow Javascript. (See note below) Untick but do not remove the address from the list if you wish to temporary allow external JS, messages and WebWindow Javascript. (You will not need to type in the address again when blocking JS, messages and WebWindow Javascript) Note: Version messages can only be displayed on your welcome, home and help pages. Using wildcard
Internet Explorer
versions:Wrong values:
(WW 3.19.0046)Correct values
(WW 3.20.0047)String Number String Number IE12 (Not tested) 8.0 8 8.0 8 IE11 7.0 7 7.0 7 IE10 6.0 6 6.0 6 IE9 5.0 5 5.0 5 IE8 4.0 4 4.0 4 IE7 3.0 3 3.1 3.1 IE6 2.0 2 none 0 IE5.5 1.5 1.5 none 0 IE5 1.0 1 none 0 IE4 0.0 0 none 0 Up to IE3.9
Doesn't use Trident-1 -1 none -1 * If the listed address ends with a star then all pages starting with that address will have the code and/or messages blocked. If the listed address starts with a star then all pages ending with that address will have the code and/or messages blocked. Wildcards in the middle of the address do not work with this version. Eg. http://mysite.co.uk/* will block code and/or messages on the whole website, but not on http://www.mysite.co.uk or https://mysite.co.uk etc. */blog/* will block code and/or messages on any page in directory blog or sub directory. If more than one match is found for the current web page then: If any match is set to block External JS code and messages then external JS code and messages are disabled. If any match is set to block WebWindow extra Javascript code then WebWindow extra Javascript code is disabled. Note 1: Extra WebWindow Javascript code has priority over external JS file code: So ww_IEmode=1234 in js_ExtraCode.js file will still return your current IE mode on the web page. If extra WebWindow Javascript code is disabled then ww_IEmode=1234 will return 1234 on the web page. Note 2: If there are any parameters on the end of the Web address; Eg. .../index.php#PageIndex .../index.php?Username=Joe then */index.php will not match the address. So use */index.php* Note 3: The list of website addresses is listed in alphabetical order. Note 4: If you allow external JS file code to be added to a page, the page may display correctly but not printout correctly due to your code. Use the Print Preview option to check this. If the Print Preview page looks different from the web page then; 1. Disable the external JS file. ( File, Options..., Options edit, Browser, External JS file = -None-) (or File, Options..., Options edit, Advanced options and add the page to list, set with External JS code disabled) 2. Refresh the page. 3. Check page again in Print Preview window and then print it out. Added new Javascript value ww_RunJavascriptOnPage, to return the value of the current page. (To find this value, search for WebWindow 3.20.0047 with RegEdit.exe) This version is compatible with Windows 95 to Windows 7. (This version is compatible with Windows 8 and 10 compatible, see version 3.21.0049 below) THIS VERSION. 3.21.0049 (21/08/2015 - 9:00am bst) Windows 10, first version. Due to changes with Windows 10 from previous versions of Windows, older versions of WebWindow will work but... (WebWindow versions up to 0.05.0032 don't work or will crash when the Options window is opened with Windows 10) (WebWindow version 0.06.0033 to version 3.20.0048 works with Windows 10, but...) WebWindow version messages can be displayed using Javascript code, in the About WebWindow window, but messages are not added to the welcome, help or home pages. The OEM number in the Help - About WebWindow will display <Unknown Product ID> (Note: Installing Windows over Windows 7 or Windows 8 will change the OME number) The operating system will be displayed as Windows 8 and not Windows 10. (Javascript userAgent string return Windows NT 6.2 and not Windows NT 10.0.) The operating system platform number returns 2.6.2 and not 2.10.0. This also affects about: commands and WebWindow extra Javascript code. WebWindow extra Javascript value of ww_OEM_number will now return the OEM number or the Windows 10 product number. ww_computerPlatform[-1] now returns the correct Windows 10 information. ww_computerPlatform[0] now returns the correct operating system name, with Windows 10. ww_computerPlatform[1] now returns the correct operating system name and version, with Windows 10. ww_computerPlatform[2] now returns the correct service pack version, with Windows 10. ww_computerPlatform[3] still returns the correct platform number with Windows 10. (Value is 2 with Windows 10) ww_computerPlatform[4] now returns the correct major version number. (10 and not 6 with Windows 10) ww_computerPlatform[5] now returns the correct minor version number. (0 and not 2 with Windows 10) ww_computerPlatform[6] now returns the correct operating system version number. (10.0 and not 6.2 with Windows 10) ww_computerPlatform[7] still returns the correct OS version info size, value with Windows 10. ww_computerPlatform[8] now returns the correct build number. (10240 and not 9200 with Windows 10) Technical notes: Due to changes with Windows 10, the Product ID is no longer readable from the registry. WebWindow now reads the value using WMIC in a batch file. This value is then saved in a file. The file date is checked and updated if it is over two hours old. This code may be updated in a later version. Dual boot operating systems. WebWindow was not tested on a dual boot system until this version. WebWindow will work just as well on a dual boot systems as a single operating system, except; The favourites menu will only list the favourites you have entered in the current operating system. The history list will only list the pages you have visited in the current operating system. Changing the settings while in one operating system will not change the settings in the other operating system. As your C: and D: drives will be swapped depending on which operating system you are in: You may need to change the path to your email application. You may need to change your home page if it is on your hard drive and change the start of the path from C:/ to D:/. WebWindow website address is now; http://webwindow.agius.co (Was; http://webwindow.markagius.co.uk) WebWindow email address is now; WebWindow@agius.co (Was; WebWindow@markagius.co.uk) (You can still use the old web site and email address for a limited time, but the old site may not be updated as often) Most information, exclamation and warning messages boxes have now been replaced with graduated background colour windows. Label added to Help - About WebWindow, to display the WebWindow information file address and the date/time the version information was last read from the Internet. This is the same as the extra Javascript value; ww_version_InfoDownload A new javascript value ww_VersionInfoAddress added to return the information file address. You can edit the information file address in the options window. Listed addresses are: http://webwindow.agius.co/versions/WebWindowVersionInfo.htm (Default address, used from version 3.21.0049) http://webwindow.markagius.co.uk/versions/WebWindowVersionInfo.htm (File used by version 2.14.0041 to 3.20.0048) http://markagius.co.uk/files/WebWindowVersionInfo.htm (File used by version 0.00.0006 to 2.13.0040) You can enter any other address. (If address not found, then will display warning as with earlier versions if website off-line) You can now edit how often the information file is read from the Internet, in options, Advanced options. Low values (E.g. 1 day) will update the information more often, but slow down the time WebWindow loads. High values will only update the information after a few days, but will load WebWindow faster and reduce the Internet trafick and data the WebWindow web site sends. (Please use values over 7 days) The WebWindow version is now out of date window, now removes any HTML tags. Previous versions will display; This version of <B>WebWindow</B> is now out of date... This is now displayed as; This version of WebWindow is now out of date... If you have Internet Explorer 11 or a later version installed, then pasting to a Web page will not work unless you are in IE7 mode. As you can not past to a page, you can not edit a page. WebWindow version 3.20.0047 removed the File - Paste to page menu option when not in IE7 mode and the top mode is IE11 or greater. The File - Save edited page menu option is now also removed, if not in IE7 mode and your top IE mode is IE11 or greater. The default value for Display MSIE version in userAgent with all modes (See; Options - Program - Advanced options) is to now display the MSIE version. This will only affect the userAgent string when in IE8 or a higher IE mode. The default value for Display MSIE top/selected mode value (See; Options - Program - Advanced options) is to now display the current/selected MSIE mode. When closing WebWindow with more than 1 tab open and option set to display a warning message: The warning message now also lists all the open tab windows. The list is the page titles or URL's as set in Options, Browser, Display tab Titles/URL's. Added the following web search engines to the search engine list: DuckDuckGo at; https://duckduckgo.com Clusty at; http://www.clusty.com If you only have 1 or less monitors attached to your computer, then File - Copy image... - Copy monitor 1 image is no longer listed, as Copy whole desktop image and Copy monitor 1 image will be the same. To help speedup the time WebWindow loads and opens new tab windows, you should first open a small page, rather than one that is hundreds of kilo-bites big. Previous versions used the Help.htm page as the default welcome page. You can still select this page or any other page, but warnings will be displayed unless you select the about:blank or the new Welcome.htm page, as the welcome page. The new Welcome.htm page has just a few links to the Help.htm page, some other pages and a list of recently visited pages. (You can edit the Welcome.htm file if you wish, but try to keep it's size small, for fast loading times) Fixed small bug that looked for file://C:/..../Welcome.htm and not C:/..../Welcome.htm, when checking if it's OK to display the welcome message. The welcome message should now be displayed on the following pages: (Unless the Don't display WebWindow version messages until... value is set in the advanced options window) The welcome page (Eg. Welcome.htm) Help.htm (The local WebWindow help page) about:home (The selected home page) Welcome messages now also work with Windows 10. File - Welcome page, added to load the welcome/start page. This menu option will only be displayed if the welcome/start page is not your home page or the local WebWindow information help page. Added WebWindow javascript code to list the browsers history. (To use ww_historyList and ww_history in frames, Run extra JavaScript code in frames must be ticked, in the Options Browser section) (To use ww_historyList and ww_history do not select Don't return any private JavaScript values in the Options Browser section) ww_historyList <ww_Read:History/> New (Version 3.21.0049, that lists the history from all windows. (Same as File - History...)) ww_history <ww_Read:History/> Old (See Version 3.19.0046, that lists the history of this tab window only) ww_historyList.length = size of list. (Will return 0 if Don't return any private JavaScript values is set) ww_historyList[...][0] = Page address. ww_historyList[...][1] = Page title. ww_historyList[...][2] = Page last loaded date. ww_historyList[...][3] = File/Page extent.. To use ww_historyList and/or ww_history, you must have the following HTML code at the top of the page; <ww_Read:History/> The privacy level must also be set to Return some or Return all private JavaScript values, to return ww_historyList/ww_history values. Note: <ww_Read:History/> should be near or at the top of the page before any Javascript code, otherwise ww_history[] and ww_historyList[] will return undefined. Added WebWindow javascript code to list your favourite pages. (To use ww_favourite in frames, Run extra JavaScript code in frames must be ticked, in the Options Browser section) (To use ww_favourite do not select Don't return any private JavaScript values in the Options Browser section) ww_favourite.length = size of list. (Will return 0 if Don't return any private JavaScript values is set) ww_favourite[...][0] = Favourite page URL. ww_favourite[...][1] = Favourite page title. ww_favourite[...][2] = Number used to show how the entry should be displayed. (Bold, italic, big, highlighted, blue link and icon) %xxxxxxxx,xxxxxxx1 = bold text. %xxxxxxxx,xxxxxx1x = italic text %xxxxxxxx,xxxxx1xx = big text %xxxxxxxx,xxxx1xxx = highlight text (Yellow background) %xxxxxxxx,xxx1xxxx = blue underlined text %00000000,000xxxxx = no icon %00000000,001xxxxx = icon 1 %00000000,010xxxxx = icon 2 %00000000,011xxxxx = icon 3 %00000000,100xxxxx = icon 4 % ' ' ' xxxxx = ' ' %00000101,011xxxxx = icon 43 (43 icons with this version) To use ww_favouritety, you must have the following HTML code at the top of the page; <ww_Read:Favourite/> or <ww_Read:Favorite/> The privacy level must also be set to Return some or Return all private JavaScript values, to return ww_favourite values. Note: <ww_Read:Favourite/> should be near or at the top of the page before any Javascript code, otherwise favourite[] will return as being empty. (favourite.length=0) Added the following Javascript values: To use them, the privicy flag must be set to 'Return all JavaScript values'. You can edit the privacy level in the Options window. This version is compatible with Windows 95 to Windows 10. Note; This program has not been created by a large team of programmers. It was created by just one person. (Me) So bug corrections and upgraded versions may take some time to do. Please see the blog for user comments about this browser. You can also view the blog page by typing about:blog in the address bar. View a list of bugs found in WebWindow, by typing about:BugList in the address bar. Report any bugs found in WebWindow, by typing about:BugReport in the address bar. See the RSS news feedww_RunJavascriptOnPageString is the same as ww_RunJavascriptOnPage, but returns a readable message rather than a number. ww_RunJavascriptOnPage and ww_RunJavascriptOnPageString returns the OR value of all ticked matches. (Un-ticked matches are ignored) If no matches are ticked, then returns the OR value of all un-ticked matches. If no matches are found, then returns -1 / 'Address not listed' ww_RunJavascriptOnPageList returns an array of all list matches and values. Note: If extra WebWindow Javascript code is disabled then the following four values will still work: ww_name = ww_version = ww_versiondate = ww_ScriptEnabled = false Note: If ww_extraJS_inFrames is set to false in the options window, then no extra WebWindow Javascript code will work, including the above four values. If extra WebWindow Javascript code is enabled then ww_ScriptEnabled = true. ww_ScriptEnabled is a new value added from this version. The following has also been added, to read the top page value from code in one of its frames or sub-frames:
Value: Binary value: ww_RunJavascriptOnPage value meaning for current page: Notes: -1 ....111111111111 Web page not listed in the advanced options, 'Never add JS or version messages'. If not listed then will always run JS file code if file selected
and extra WebWindow Javascript.+1 %xxxxxxx1 This bit is set (value and 1 = 1) then the address is ticked in theadvanced options window. If bit not set then web page listed in options but
dose not disable script.3 %00000011 Don't add external JS file code or display version messages. (Bit 1 must also be set) The version message is only displayed on
the welcome, home and help pages.5 %00000101 Don't add extra WebWindow Javascript code. (Bit 1 must also be set)
See note on ww_ScriptEnabled below.As WebWindow script is disabled
ww_RunJavascriptOnPage will return undefined.7 %00000111 Don't add external JS, messages or WebWindow Javascript code. (Bit 1 must also be set) See note on ww_ScriptEnabled below. As WebWindow script is disabled
ww_RunJavascriptOnPage will return undefined.+8 %xxxx1xxx If bit is set (value and 8 = 8) then apply top page settings to all frames and sub-frames.
If bit not set (value and 8 = 0) then don't apply to other frames.If bit 4 set and address matches the top page address,
then also apply settings to all frames and sub-frames.The WebWindow version information is now only downloaded every 14 days and not every time you open a new WebWindow window. By downloading the information from the Internet less often, has the following effects: Less traffic to the same information Web page and more likely to get a connection. (Due to lower server bandwidth usage) Faster time for WebWindow to load, as it doesn't have to wait for a connection every time. The down side is that you may not notice a new version release for a few days. ww_version_InfoDownload will hold the date and time the WebWindow version information was last downloaded. Note: There is no option to change the number of days WebWindow waits until it reads the version information from the Internet, but you can edit this number in the register: Registry key; HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WebWindow or (64 bit); HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\WebWindow Registry name; ReadVersionInfoEveryXDays Registry type; DWORD (32-bit number) Registry value; 0 = check every time (As before), 1 = check once a day to 365 = check next year today. (Default value = 14 days if registry name not found) File - History - [ Save history list ] (Ctrl+Ins) added. You can save the list as a CSV file (Spread sheet) or as plain text. CSV file saves the file in comma separated value format as used by spreadsheet programs. Text only file saves the file as plain text. (The web address column is padded with spaces to align the second column at character position 60) Other file type saves file in above CSV format unless the extent is .txt, then saves in the above text format. The Browse buttons in the Options window, are now the same shade of gray as all the other buttons. The options value Don't return private JavaScript values is no longer a true/false value but an integer, to allow for a number of different security levels. The value of ww_JS_privacy is still a boolean value for True=Don't return private info or False=Return all info. The value of ww_JS_privacyLevel is an integer. 0=Don't return any private info, 1=Return some private info, 2=Return all private info.
Read value from top frame: Read value from current frame: ww_RunJavascriptOnTopPage ww_RunJavascriptOnPage ww_RunJavascriptOnTopPageString ww_RunJavascriptOnPageString ww_RunJavascriptOnTopPageList ww_RunJavascriptOnPageList If ww_JS_privacyLevel = 2 (Return all private JavaScript values) then the following Javascript values can be read. New JavaScript values: ww_startPageURL returns the start page address. (Page loaded when WebWindow starts. Same as about:StartPage or about:WelcomePage) ww_homePageURL returns the WebWindow home page address. (Page loaded when clicking on the Home button or typing about:Home) ww_IE_homePageURL returns Internet Explorers home page address. (Same as WebWindow home page, if about:Home set as home page in the options window) New JavaScript email values: ww_useremailaddress returns the default address if found. If not found returns [ Can't find default account. ]. ww_useremailaddressany returns the default address. If not found returns the first address found. ww_useremail.length returns the total number of email addresses found. New about: commands: (If ww_JS_privacyLevel = 2 / Return all private JavaScript values) about:Email or about:EmailAddress = Displays default email address. If not found returns 1st email address. about:EmailMainAddress = Displays default email address. If not found returns [ Can't find default account. ] about:EmailList = Displays all email address in a table. (Default address highlighted) about:emaillistsettings or about:emailsettings = Displays all email address and settings in a table. (Default address highlighted) New JavaScript values added that only work with a HTML tag. As some new Javascript values can return a large area of data, you must also add a HTML tag to enable the code. (Pages that do not require the extra Javascript values will load faster without the new HTML tags) Note: The following lists are in the font or application load order. Use the Javascript .sort() function to sort the area. ww_ScreenFontList.length returns the total number of screen fonts. (Only works with the <ww_Read:ScreenFonts> tag. ww_JS_privacyLevel >= 1) ww_ScreenFontList[...] returns the name of one of the screen fonts. ww_PrinterFontList.length returns the total number of printer fonts. (Only works with the <ww_Read:PrinterFonts> tag. ww_JS_privacyLevel >= 1) ww_PrinterFontList[...] returns the name of one of the printer fonts. ww_AppsList.length returns the total number of applications running. (Only works with the <ww_Read:Apps> tag. ww_JS_privacyLevel >= 2) ww_AppsList[...] returns the name of one of the running applications. New JavaScript values added to read monitor information. (No HTML tag needed and works in all privacy modes) ww_screenMonitorSize.width returns the total desktop width of all monitors in pixels. (screen.width returns the main monitor width only) ww_screenMonitorSize.height returns the total desktop height of all monitors in pixels. (screen.height returns the main monitor height only) ww_screenMonitor.length returns the total number of monitors attached to the computer. ww_screenMonitor[...].width returns the width of one of the monitors in pixels. ww_screenMonitor[...].height returns the height of one of the monitors in pixels. ww_screenMonitor[...].top returns the top pixel value of one of the monitors. ww_screenMonitor[...].left returns the left pixel value of one of the monitors. ww_screenMonitor[...].bottom returns the bottom pixel value of one of the monitors. ww_screenMonitor[...].right returns the right pixel value of one of the monitors. ww_screenMonitor[...].workTop returns the top monitor value. (Dependant on if monitor has the taskbar and where it is) ww_screenMonitor[...].workLeft returns the left monitor value. (Dependant on position of taskbar) ww_screenMonitor[...].workBottom returns the bottom monitor value. (Dependant on position of taskbar) ww_screenMonitor[...].workRight returns the right monitor value. (Dependant on position of taskbar) ww_screenMonitor[...].handle returns the handle ID number of one of the monitors. ww_screenMonitor[...].mainDisplay returns true if it's the main desktop monitor, else returns false. Fixed small bug with about:Computer ticker on All versions returned the correct H, M and S values, but: Versions up to 3.18.0045 returns the correct number of days the computer has been running. Version 3.19.0046 returned the day number in year. EG. The 1st of January would return 1. (Due to changes with ww_ticker[10]) Version 3.20.0047 now returns the correct number of days the computer has been running. Added more ww_ticker[...] values. The values are;
From ver. 3.18.0045ww_JS_privacyLevel
From ver. 3.20.0047Registry value of
JS_KeepInfoPrivacyJavaScript and about:commands actions: True (-1) 0 No registry value set
or an invalid value.Don't return any private JavaScript values. True (-1) 0 -1 Don't return any private JavaScript values. False (0) 1 0 Return some but not all private JavaScript values. False (0) (New) 2 -2 Return all private JavaScript values. Press Ctrl+D to add a page or pages to the favourites list. Press Ctrl+D will list all open tab window addresses. When the window opens, the tabbed window with the input focus will be selected. If address is ticked then the addresses is already listed in the favourites list. Click on OK and all addresses ticked will be added to the favourites list, unticked addresses will be removed from the favourites list. Click on Information and the full address and page title of the selected list item will be displayed. If the same address is listed more than once and some copies are ticked and some untick then the address will be added. When adding a new link, the text is set to bold and the globe icon is selected. You can change the favourite link flags, address or link text in the favourites window. (Menu Edit link ..). If you have Internet Explorer 11 or a later version installed, then pasting to a Web page will not work unless you are in IE7 mode. The File - Paste to page menu option is now removed if not in IE7 mode and your top IE mode is IE11 or greater. The pointer cursor used in the Favourites menu has been edited. (Using RealWorld Cursor Editor) The pointer finger is now over the correct favourites link and not above it. To celebrate WebWindows 15th birthday this May, (22/05/1999) this version has some inbuilt background images to mark this event. To select a different image, click on File, Options..., Background options. (To use your own image, drag a image.bmp file to the Background options window)
This version is compatible with Windows 95 to Windows 7.(This version is compatible with Windows 8 and 10 compatible, see version 3.21.0049 below)3.20.0048 (17/05/2014 - 8:00pm bst) Fixed bug with WebWindow version 3.20.0047 that would not read the version information file, when WebWindow loads and the file is over 14 days old. (This was because it was trying to read the information from the main window and expect to find the View Source code menu from a browser tab window.) If you run version 3.20.0047 and it crashes because the version file is out of date, then the version message will still be stored in the registry. Running any other version will return two WebWindow versions in the userAgent string, if in IE7 mode. To fix this, delete the following registry value; HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-286877397-2041048702-3604145019-1001\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\5.0\User Agent\Post Platform WebWindow 3.20.0047; IE 7; IE top mode 11; (Your message)for the latest news about WebWindow.
You can download the latest version of WebWindow at;
Click below to open page in a new window.