Old AOL website address; | New website address; | Website information; |
http://members.aol.com:/AgiusSoftware | http://markagius.co.uk (This website) | Free software files and fonts. |
http://members.aol.com:/andalin | http://www.desertwindmusic.com | Finding the common thread with music and peace. |
http://members.aol.com:/bbbenge/front.html | http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~nativeamericangen/front.html | Native American Genealogy |
http://members.aol.com:/bblum6 | http://www.killinghope.org | A detailed look at the horrors of the American Empire |
http://members.aol.com:/bowermanb/101.html | http://GeographyWorldOnline.com Off-line since 2017 | Winner of 47 educational awards, Geography World lists 86 categories of the top geographical sites on the Net! |
http://members.aol.com:/chuckd3871/chuck01.htm | http://www.ussrepose.org Forbidden, code error. | Hospital Ship USS Repose Home Page. |
http://members.aol.com:/Ciekurs3 | http://www.perkons1.com/SANDSINKERS/Sandsinkers.html | Fishing - A simple way to make sinkers with fabric and sand. |
http://members.aol.com:/CLAUDEMOBETTA | http://claudemobetta.com/lmb/loa2.html Page missing, try; http://claudemobetta.com/ | Free computer help plus - Message Board |
http://members.aol.com:/dac4va/main.htm | http://dac4va.org/main.htm Domain closed down. | Disabled Advocates made of Elderly and Non Disabled Disability Advocates Ad... |
http://members.aol.com:/Elonka | http://elonka.com | News. Biography. Books on crypograpth. Book of Secret Code Puzzles etc. |
http://members.aol.com:/flutefestcd | http://www.flutefest.com | A joyful, fun, uplifting voyatge with music for all. |
http://members.aol.com:/jusay | http://www.jusay.com | Artwork by Jeremy Jusay. |
http://members.aol.com:/loisy/cousins/index.htm | http://www.cousinsentertainment.com/robin Website off-line since 2017. | The Robin Cousins Page. Figure skating (Renaissance man. From Olympic gold, professional championships and TV specials) |
http://members.aol.com:/MarkAgius | http://markagius.co.uk (This website) | My private site with jokes, puzzles and software to download. |
http://members.aol.com:/mjmahon | http://home.comcast.net/~mjmahon Off-line since 2017. | Descriptions and design information on Apple II projects. |
http://members.aol.com:/mpdsupport | http://www.mpdsupport.org | Myeloproliferative Disease Support. |
http://members.aol.com:/NortonClub (Business site) | http://magicsound.us | Electronic Design of embedded micro systems, 32 tracks of digital music... |
http://members.aol.com:/NortonClub (Club site) | http://NortonClub.com | Northern California Norton (bike) Owners Club. (NCNOC) |
http://members.aol.com:/rlsfca | http://www.robertlscottfanclubassociation.com Domain closed down. | Brig Gen Robert L Scott's WW2 airplane Fan Club. |
http://members.aol.com:/rogluthier | http://www.rogerthurman.com | Guitar and Violin Repair in Ohio, USA. |
http://members.aol.com:/rrbp | http://www.noappleistoooldforus.com | Hard to find Apple & Macintosh oldies! |
http://members.aol.com:/smartnews | http://ritualabuse.us | Ritual abuse and mind control information. |
http://members.aol.com:/smithsssj/index.html | http://www.freewebs.com/thesamsmith | Sam Smith, Original Plus press & The Journal (Once of Contemporary Anglo-Scandinavian Poetry) |
http://members.aol.com:/strategist/home.html | http://www.StrategicMgtPartners.com | SMP is a turnaround management firm in interim executive leadership, asset recovery, investing in troubled companies. |
http://members.aol.com:/toejumper | http://toejumper.net | Free Computer Support for nearly all flavors of Windows. Since 1998 computer troubleshooting. |
http://members.aol.com:/typebar/collectible/typewriter.html | http://www.typewriterdepot.com | Antique Typewriter Collector's Web Site featuring Typewriter Memory Lane. |
http://members.aol.com:/underwatch | http://underwatch.wordpress.com | Children of the Underground Watch Organization. |
http://members.aol.com:/washins131/index.html | http://letsbounce.noadsfree.com Page missing, try; http://noadsfree.com | Lets Bounce Family Entertainment Palace - We offer worry free birthday parties. We have made many children happy. |
http://members.aol.com:/wrpreplab/wrp.htm | http://www.whiteriverprep.com | Fossils and meteorites for sale. |
This list is incomplete, so please let me know of any other web sites. | Please e-mail me with your website information if you had an AOL site and want to be added here. |